Hoosier Weather
Weathercam 1
Camera Details
Weathercam Image Statistics
Image Timestamp:
January 23, 2025 17:51:43
Image Filesize:
545.65 kb
To view the full-size image, click on the weathercam image above.
This camera provides a view of the rural area south of Bloomfield, IN. Needless to say, you will not see much activity in these images. That is the beauty of living in a rural setting. I hope the pristine landscape makes up for that. This camera is pointed towards the west/southwest. This choice of view gives you a front row seat to view incoming weather systems.

I use a few processes to format the weathercam image for display. Let me detail those for you:
After the above process is complete, I now have each image archived on a local server. At the completion of each day these archived images are compiled into a video that shows the movement of weather systems throughout the day. Dropdown the "Weathercams" menu above and select "Time Lapse Videos", or select it from the listing below.